Midnight Movie Macabre is a web series created by horror director, Manny Velazquez. The series releases new documentaries on various popular, cult, tv series, music and rare movies every Friday Night at 8PM on Youtube, Facebook and Vimeo.
This Season is called “Halloween Fright Nights”.
Halloween Fright Nights will be streaming online from September- October 31st with brand new horror documentaries on films like Hocus Locus, The Addams Family, Saw, Friday The 13th, A Nightmare On Elm Street, Alfred Hitchcock, Halloween, Hostel, Rob Zombie, Universal Horror, Happy Death Day, Get Out and many more.
Midnight Movie Macabre will also be releasing the “Rocky Horror 45” feature length documentary that will be playing at the 16th South African Horrorfest this halloween.
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