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Tag Archives: Hugh Dancy

TV Review: Hannibal (TV Series) Episode 1

Rate This MovieAnd so it begins, finally a series with some intellectual motive and diabolical intent. Called a dramatic psychological thriller, “Hannibal” borrows from the “Silence of the Lamb” franchise taking things further with a younger Dr. Hannibal Lecter. I wasn’t sure if I was ready for another serial killer series to take under wing with “Dexter” claiming territory for …

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TV Review: Hannibal (Season 1) (TV Series) (2013)

Rate This Movie SYNOPSIS: Explores the early relationship between the renowned psychiatrist and his patient, a young FBI criminal profiler, who is haunted by his ability to empathize with serial killers. REVIEW: Hannibal, the TV series, is unlike anything on television. Based on the book “Red Dragon” by Thomas Harris and the character franchise of Hannibal Lecter (which grew fame …

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