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Home | Kirkman Teases How THE WALKING DEAD S4 Will End

Kirkman Teases How THE WALKING DEAD S4 Will End

Well, kinda. He doesn’t really say how it will end more than he hints at better things to come for our pack of weary survivors.

To say the mid season finale was a little dark and depressing would be the understatement of the year. Our intrepid team of zombie slayers have lost a mentor and been chased from their safety net and are now back out amongst all the evils the real world has to offer.

Show creator and executive producer Robert Kirkman sat down and had a little chat with the folks at TV GUIDE and he shed some light on what kind of tone we can expect in the coming episodes.

“We started the season pretty hopeful and pretty optimistic. We’ll open our last half of the season pretty bleak and we’ll move them to something a little more hopeful by the end.”

Good to know that were not going to lose the whole gang by the end of season four but I have a feeling there is plenty of nastiness still ahead before that promised light at the end of the tunnel.

THE WALKING DEAD returns on Sunday Feb. 9th.


One comment

  1. They need to get more into the disease and how it was released, rather than moving to one spot and lose it, to then repeat the same scenario. If they keep that up people will turn away from the show. I understand the comic has this layout but some poetic justice needs to come into it to embellish.

    Many had said the Prison time was too long, and to think they will end up in a new town with walls and solar energy, as in the comic has it, should test viewers staying power. Consider they keep disposing of liked characters.

    I personally love Zombies and will watch everyone, but expect viewer counts to decline if they don’t enrich the story with the disease science background.


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