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Home | Need Science Film Reviewers! HorrorNews.net

Need Science Film Reviewers! HorrorNews.net

We are looking to add more film reviewers to our staff of writers. Please note this is NOT a paid position, but we will mail you the films to review. Since we take on a large number of releases per month, we are looking for certain types of writers which are detailed below:

We are currently upping our inventory to begin posting a large number of science fiction films reviews to our collective.

– OK, with 650 word minimum per review.
– Can write INTELLIGENT reviews (review competently, based on your background and interest in the horror genre)
– MUST be a Science Fiction  fan (with a large knowledge of films over the years)
– Can review up to 6 films per session, once received
(we send……. within a 2 week timeframe = 6 films over 14 days)
(note, this is necessary since films come in on a pretty regular basis)
– Can write in your own words (we do not want plagiarists of any sort whatsoever!!)
– Reviews must be exclusive to HorrorNews.net (submitting the same review to multiple sites, doesn’t help us and won’t get traction in search engines)

– email us, or send a link to previous reviews you’ve done, so that we can review your writing.

NOTES: (please read this !)
We don’t want film bashers who merely like to hear themselves talk (we have since parted ways with many of those). WE do realize that many films are just not that great (or not at all for that matter), though we ask that you “respectfully” comment on the flaws of the films (please reframe from racey vulgar words) in an intelligent manner. And vice versa, if you find it to be a great film to educate readers as to “why” it’s exceptional.

Once you begin sending in reviews, your “author” archive will also grow on our site.
Many of our film reviews appear in the top 5 Google listings. This is greatway to get your reviews read and public!

If interested, email us at positions@horrornews.net for more details we’ll explain our process, and see if it’s something you would like to move forward on. We will always ask if you have time to take on more, though we do so after rotating thru all our reviewers. So there may be large gaps between next sends.

We will consider reviewers outside the US, though for screener review we’ll have to limit films to a secure / private uploads
(disposable upon completion) – Mailing is not an option due to the time frame gap between sends

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