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Home | Big EVIL DEAD 4 News!!

Big EVIL DEAD 4 News!!

Burning up the horror news wire today is all kinds of news that EVIL DEAD 4 is gearing up and this time it appears it just might be true.

First word came that it looked like production was winding up because a long time Raimi collaborator was heading to Detroit to start work on the project. Nothing firm, kinda weak news so nothing to get to excited about BUT!!!

Bruce Campbell, old ASH himself tweeted the following:

“Believe in the remake, dawg! The project is real. In the works. Cool as hell. Scary as hell.”

Now I’m not real thrilled at the whole “remake” thing but it certainly has been what the horror genre has been all about these last few years. I guess any EVIL DEAD news is good news so we’ll take what we can get.

Keep it here cause this one is going to change and morph and update frequently I have a feeling so as soon as anything breaks that can be confirmed, I’ll tell ya!

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