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Home | News | Horrornews.net needs 3 reporters

Horrornews.net needs 3 reporters

Had/Have an interest in horror?
Like to report on the latest news?
Can you spare 1 day a week?

Always wanted to see your posts sent around the world, on IMDB or directly to over 100K social media readers?
(yes that # is correct!!)

Become a part of our news team, and gain valuable exposure thru Horrornews.net
Not only that but each article you post contains an author name and link with full link value .

Please note, we are not owned by Lionsgate, SONY or Comcast, so this is a unpaid position.

Our need:
We have a need for 3 reporters to fill Mon, Thurs and Friday

What we expect?
We need about 10-12 short news articles for “your day”
(we can email an example model)

They can be sent directly to us per the example or entered directly into our Word press site
(pending editors approval)

Don’t delay, now’s your chance to get involved in the Horrornews.net history!!!

IF ALL SOUNDS GOOD – Email me directly at positions@horrornews.net
(please send an example of your writing to help us decide)

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